Help me bring my book to life Campaign
For many years I have studied crime. It all began when I was 13 and was gifted a copy of Jack the Ripper: The Complete Casebook by Donald Rumbelow.Jack The Ripper was my first foray into the genre and my curiosity has never wained.
Now many years later, with a Diploma in Forensics under my belt and a veritable glut of information I believe I have stumbled upon a new suspect.
It is my wish to give this work to the world. But I can not do it by myself. No man is an island and I am putting myself out there to ask for assistance to help me turn this dream into a reality. For many years I have watched others pen their theories. Some incredibly well researched and written but misguided. Others not so well written and with terrible intentions.
I am merely asking for help, so that I may bring forth a new idea which could help the genre.