Nala Rescue Dog Project Campaign
A life time dream recently became reality for Johann and that was to have a service dog.
Nala has formed part of the family of Mkhondo Fire & Rescue and will start training in due course. Nala will be trained in Man- Trailing as her main goal and on a later stage she will start training as a Humand Remains Detection (HRD Dog).
We had recently an incident in our community where a girl that was part of a group got lost in the plantations and there is currently no dog in our area that can perform Search & Rescue. This is why the Nala project came to live and we decided to train a Search & Recue Dog.
Unfortunately there is a huge cost implication for this and many other expenses that need to be covered.
Nala is in need of a proper kennel area at the Fire Station. There is a temporary area at this stage but the material used is not the correct material as she might injure her self as at this stage she still needs to learn to be in a kennel area. Unfortunately the material is very expensive and this is one of the reasons this campaign was started to raise funds for a kennel area and also for a vehicle crate that she needs to travel in.
She also will need to travel to workshops for training sessions which has also a huge cost implication.
All donations received will be used to fund the cost for Nala Kennel, Vehicle Crate and Training Cost. All expenses will be kept record off and will be available for any person to see that the money raised is actually used for Nala and for nothing else.
If there are persons that would rather donate material for the kennel area or a crate for the vehicle please contact Johann directly