Lets keep Mandelas Heirlooms Campaign
Preserving Mandela's Legacy: Support Our Fundraiser!
Dear Friends and Supporters,
We stand at a crucial juncture in our history, where the legacy of Nelson Mandela, a global icon of peace and justice, faces the risk of dispersal. After a protracted legal battle against the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), Mandela's daughter, Makziwe, has secured the right to auction off 29 items deemed heritage objects. We cannot allow these precious heirlooms to leave our shores.
Join us in a heartfelt effort to keep Nelson Mandela's belongings within the borders of South Africa. These artifacts, from his iconic Madiba shirts to letters written during his incarceration, represent the very fabric of our nation's struggle and triumph. The auction is imminent, scheduled through Guernsey in New York on February 22nd, and we need your support to ensure these pieces of history remain in the country that Mandela fought so tirelessly to liberate.
Your contribution to this fundraiser is an investment in preserving our national heritage and sharing Mandela's inspiring journey with generations to come. Together, let's ensure that these treasures stay where they belong — in the heart of South Africa.
Donate today to safeguard Mandela's legacy!