World Cup Grand Master Hockey L60 Campaign
Subject: Letter of Request for Financial Assistance:
World Cup 2024: Auckland, New Zealand
South African Grand Masters Ladies 60 - Team
I am writing to request financial assistance for my Hockey Trip expenses for the upcoming Ladies World Cup Hockey Tournament to be held this year, November 2024 in New Zealand. As a player and coach at Westbury Villa Hockey Club, I am very excited to be selected and to represent our country as a player. This is really a dream come true for me and for achieving my goals. All the years I been doing development hockey in our communities and training these young hockey players to foster their career in sports and also to represent in future their Province. I’m so thankful and grateful and to be a role model towards our youngsters to represent our country in Hockey.
However, due to unexpected circumstances, I am facing a huge financial difficulties and require assistance.
The cost of the trip: R 71 000.00 (all expenses): Deposit of R 10 000.00 before 29 February 2024.
I am currently un-employed and only receiving my pension grant, which will not even cover half the cost for the up-coming Hockey Tournament trip. Unfortunately, my financial situation has become challenging, and I am struggling to raise funds for my trip, and other necessary expenses. I have explored all possible avenues for financial assistance, but I am still short of the necessary funds.
Therefore, I am respectfully requesting, if your company can assist me with financial assistance to cover my trip expenses.