Emergency operation for doggy Campaign
Hi I'm Jeanine, I need to raise thisMoney for our miniture pickenese, she is
Is our whole lifes and we really can't imagine our lives without her in it, and shes
Not even 2 years old even she's still young
And deserves to be with her family, I can't explain how much pain and heartache we've been through without her, the story is she was bitten by a very big dog, our neighbours dog luckily she got away but she was hurt very badly, she couldn't move or breath or anything she was in a very big shock, the doctors called and said she needs an operation, she has a hole in her chest and her jaw is broken, the doctors said my mom must pay something at least today or they can't help her, and we really need her back I promise it will mean the whole world to our family just to have her back in our house where she belongs, we've never felt so much heartache, if please any donation will help a little bit it would mean the world, thank you❤️🥺she's still so young and such a small doggy who needs to be rescued🥺 she is the joy and all the love of our home and we're completely lost without her. (We actually need like R20 000 to save her and bring her home, other wise we cant save her🥺
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I know my donation is minimal but I trust everyone will donate, even if it’s a small amount. Praying for you and your doggy ❤️
Só hope you can save her,my little Pekie is also my life🧡
Get well soon god bless❤️✝️
Abby & Henco
Get well soon x❤
Word gou gesond ons leeutjie xoxo
I was in the same position this time last year. I pray for a positive outcome for you and your dog baby 💗
Hope your baby gets treated soon....
Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 3 via Emergency operation for doggy
06 Feb 2024
US $ 3
Abby & Henco donated R 100 via Emergency operation for doggy
06 Feb 2024
R 100
Anonymous donated US $ 6 via Emergency operation for doggy
06 Feb 2024
US $ 6
Anonymous donated R 2 800 via Emergency operation for doggy
06 Feb 2024
R 2 800
Anonymous donated R 1 000 via Emergency operation for doggy
06 Feb 2024
R 1 000