Zambia 2024 Outreach Campaign
Hi, my name is Jannie Basson and I live in Cape Town, South Africa. I have a wife and 2 kids. My oldest, who will be turning 8 and my daughter who will be turning 6. When my wife was still a youngster, only 15 years old, she already started going with the church on the outreach, and since then she learned how to work with kids. When we started dating, I went with her on this amazing life changing experience, and ever since then, we never stopped. We would go with the church, on the bus, every year. The only time we could not go, was during her pregnancy and during covid lockdown. For the past 17 years we have been supporting this outreach.
We belong to a local Church called, ChristLife which is in Kraaifontein, on the corner of Eight Avenue and Market Road. We have a small bus that we drive to Zambia, where we can take 12 people. This will be our 3rd year, where we will be driving in our own vehicle behind the bus. Two vehicles reduces the risk of extended brake downs during these long distances. We drive in total 6 days to Zambia and back. Sleeping over in Kimberley South Africa and Botswana.
When we arrive at camp on the 3rd day, we will setup our tents and kitchen, this is where we will stay for the remainder of the outreach. It is to save cost and keep expenses to a minimum.
Regarding the outreach, we go out into villages twice a day, normally around 20+km into the bushes, where some people that are living there, never even visited the main city.
We do our best to reach as many people and children as possible. We are not allowed to take too many goods with; however, we support their economy by purchasing goods in Zambia to provide to these people. It makes traveling and customs much easier.
Since 2003, we have taken care of 20 elderly folks, who do not have any relatives, and we provide them with food for every day. Even through Covid, although we could not be there in person, we made arrangement to ensure they receive their food parcels every week.
We are raising funds to enable us to visit the community again. The money goes towards our expenses like fuel and traveling. We have a very strict and honest budget, which I am happy to share with anyone, who are interested. All expenses are from our own account.
No amount are to small, and will be paid directly to the Church's bank account. Should we reach the fundraising target, all the additional money will be used towards the outreach.
We are raising R25 000 / $1337.30 for us to help minister and support those in need.
Not everyone loves driving hours or to be eaten by mosquitoes, but you can still be part of this experience, by enabling us.
Please see my YouTube video from last year for more information.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.