Please help me out Campaign
I am a shore based angler and mainly focus on saltwater fishing but i do love all facets of fishing. If there is water a line must go in. I recently also added boat fishing to my love of fishing although I get sea sick. Unfortunately due to my financial status i was only able to afford a small boat and small motor. Dont get me wrong i love it.The unfortunate thing is i was taken for a fool and it (the boat) had holes in it that i have to patch (which i have done) but now more and more keep showing up and i no longer have the funds to fix her.
I recently also started making videos of my fishing trips and try and educate people about my sport/hobby that i love so much. I dont upload nearly as much videos as i would like as i only have a cellphone to operate with and as many of you know cellphones and water dont mix.
There fore the funds i want to raise will go towards a new soft bottom inflatable boat and a GoPro style camera so i can capture all the excitement and of course the disappointment of my adventures and post it online for the rest of the world to enjoy. All im asking for is a helping hand to get me started in the right direction.
I hope that some of you reading this would consider and donate to my cause and if you cant please share it around because someone might be able to help.
Thanking you in advance
Jacques Joubert