Medical Cause for Len Coetzee Campaign
My name is Len Coetzee.
I am a 68 year old male living in Tzaneen in Limpopo, South Africa.
In 2004 I had my first heart attack after which I lost my employment in the petro chemical industry. In 2014 I had my second major heart attack which left me with 28% heart function.
In the years past I have been in and out of hospital with heart failure. In October of this year, 2023, I was admitted to Tzaneen public hospital due to heart failure.
Here starts the financial implications for which we request help.
I was admitted to Tzaneen hospital on 4th of October to 6 October and sent home to await further instruction.
On the 9th of October I was admitted to Polokwane hospital 100km away from home where I underwent a angiogram which was unsuccessful in opening the blocked arteries.
I was sent home again to await a transfer to Dr George Mukari Acedemic Hospital in Garankuwa, Pretoria.
On 16 October I was transported by ambulance to Pretoria and admitted to DGMAH 320KM away from home.
My son drove from George in the western cape 1350km away from Pretoria and took a bus to Polokwane to assist my wife to be able to join me for the excursion as she is not confident to drive that far, and has no experience driving in the city. They had to find accommodation in Pretoria for the time I am admitted to hospital. Thankfully Family could assist them with a garden flat at a low rate of R200 per day. This residence is located 32km from DGMAH.
Immediately we agreed that the food served by the hospital was sorely inadequate even for a healthy person, let alone a sick man wanting to recover. Unfortunately the Public Health Care System has failed to help me in a timely manner as I have now been in hospital for 8 weeks to date due to unavailable testing vacancies and inadequate equipment.
MRI scans and CT scans done proved inconclusive then we wait another week for another appointment and so on.
My son had to return home due to work commitments and joined myself and my wife again when we received a date of December 6th on which in was to get a triple heart bypass.
On the 6th I was prepped for surgery, wheeled into theatre and drips inserted in both my arms and neck. After three hours of lying on a operating table to small to put my arms on and freezing cold, I was wheeled back to the ward and the operation was canceled due to instrumental failure.
Subsequent test results have stated that I am not fit to undergo such a procedure due to the condition of my heart. We still, however, are needing to cover expenses that were spent during the last four months.
Our expenses are basically as follows.
- Drive from Tzaneen to Pretoria, 320km at R2. 50p/km = R800
- Drive to hospital daily 64km = R12800
- Accommodation for my wife and son R200 x 80days = R16000
- Proper food R100 x 80days = R8000
- My sons travel from the western cape = R10000
- The return home =R800
Any assistance in this matter would be highly appreciated.
Kind regards
Len Coetzee and family.
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Donor Messages
All the best wishes for Len!!
Sterkte Len
Viann Bresler
Alles van die beste! Stuur baie liefde vir julle
Activity feed
Cheryl donated R 1 000 via Medical Cause for Len Coetzee
15 Dec 2023
R 1 000
Anonymous donated R 2 000 via Medical Cause for Len Coetzee
11 Dec 2023
R 2 000
Viann Bresler donated R 1 000 via Medical Cause for Len Coetzee
11 Dec 2023
R 1 000
Anonymous donated US $ 11 via Medical Cause for Len Coetzee
11 Dec 2023
US $ 11
Anonymous donated US $ 114 via Medical Cause for Len Coetzee
11 Dec 2023
US $ 114