Missionary for Jesus Campaign
My name is Hannelie White and I am a Missionary attending church at Coastlands Revival Church
in Scottburgh, KwaZulu Natal. This fundraiser is for me.
I have been called into Missionary work by the Lord and as a result Uganda has invited me to do
missionary training and evangelism work in their area. I will go for about 8 weeks. It is a great
privilege to serve the Lord in this way a-d my heart is on fire for this calling -to win souls for Jesus_
This is just a brief history of my past experience in the missionary field over the past 15 years:
1. Outreach in Mozambique
2. Running of the “Pantry” – the collecting, packing and distributing of food parcels for the
3. Knysna Fires: collecting food, household items and clothing.
4. The Jingle Bell Project – an outreach of Community Uplift Durban North – hosting Christmas
parties and distribution of Christmas parcels for the elderly, young and sickly/frail
5. Outreach in Amanzimtoti
6. Private outreach in various places in and around the KZN South Coast Area, including private
outreach in rural areas during covid. Still doing it on a daily basis.
7. Going to Attend another Mission/Evangelism course in DukuDuka – KZN North Coast
(May 2023).
8. Visit Tent City Lower South Coast KZN to motivate and pray for people who lost everything.
All photos, references and contact details of the above are available on request.
The estimated monies required for the missionary work in Uganda during the period of
8 weeks will be in the region of R30 000.00. Debit orders are also welcome.
- this is my life and missionary will be on an ongoing basis. You can use my personal savings
account or if prefer, I can supply you with my church banking details.
I am appealing for ANY sponsorship towards this outreach project in order to afford me the
opportunity to serve in this manner. I undertake to keep sponsors up to date on a regular basis.
regarding all developments. Proof of cost will be provided as soon as all bookings are made.
Please feel free to contact me per WhatsApp for a call back. for any further details should
you have any queries. Thank you for your assistance in advance. I appreciate every deposi