Struggling single mom Campaign
Firstly I would like to thank you for thanking the time to read my story.I have never been able to ask for assistance, I have always rather been the person that would help others were I was able to.
A year ago, my whole world shattered when I lost the love of my life. Suddenly I was a widow and a single parent and all our dreams and hopes were shattered. Since then I have done everything in my power to ensure that our child is taken care off. My car is in the verge off giving in completely. In the past year I have had to borrow money from the bank to ensure that I can get the car fixed but to no avail as the main bearing is giving in and in order to fix that I need to redo the whole engine. and that is just the biggest fault on the car as there a numerous other problems that needs to be address. I have spoke to more than one mechanic and all of them have the same solution, I need to buy myself a new second hand car as this car is too far gone to really be saved. Now have a child that needs to be driven around and me needing to get to work, I am unable to without a car. I have tried speaking to bank to see if I could get another loan in order for me to buy an other car.
I really need help, I don't know what to do anymore and I am so scared that the car gives out complete with my child in the car, or that I leave her an orphan. Any donations will help no matter how small. All I know at this point is a need help