Help Tshenolo achieve Ballet Dreams Campaign
Tshenolo is an exceptionally gifted vocational ballet student at Sandra Gibson Ballet Academy. I, Genevieve Du Toit, am one of her teachers alongside Sandra Gibson and Chantelle Jordaan. We have taught Tshenolo since the age of 4.Tshenolo recently, at the age of 14, passed her Royal Academy of Dance Advanced 1 examination with Distinction and has been invited to participate in the Friends of the Ballet - Southern African Bursary for Advanced 1 students.
Participation in events such as bursaries, examinations and competitions is a crucial part of a young dancer's development through the attainment of experience, exposure and knowledge. However, participation, especially as students get older, comes with many expenses. Between the entry fee, costumes/ clothing, pointe shoes and travel expenses we are looking at close on R5000 for her to take part with everything she needs.
This young lady is the most passionate, hard-working teenager you will ever meet. She spends every afternoon at the ballet studio straight from school until 7pm. She has received high distinctions for every ballet exam she's ever taken and never placed lower than 3rd in any competition. This young lady has all the potential to make a career as a ballerina locally or internationally should she be afforded the opportunities she deserves. If I could, I would move mountains to get her where she wants to be.
As her teacher, I have the utmost respect for her and I really would love to see how far she can go with a little help. I thank you in advance for any contribution towards the furtherment of her career in dance. No matter how big or small - every little bit counts.
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Donor Messages
SHE/IS not trying, she's training
SHE/IS forging forward to places far away from mediocrity
SHE/IS intentional
SHE/IS on purpose
SHE/IS Tshenolo
We are honoured to support you.
Astrid 🐻
Anel Delport
Every girl deserves the opportunity to go after her dreams. Keep working hard and excited to see how it goes!
"A beautiful hard working dancer like you really deserves this opportunity! "
Beautiful dancer! Good luck!
Activity feed
BRAVER SA donated R 450 via Help Tshenolo achieve Ballet Dreams
23 Feb 2024
R 450
Anel Delport donated R 300 via Help Tshenolo achieve Ballet Dreams
22 Feb 2024
R 300
Anonymous donated R 200 via Help Tshenolo achieve Ballet Dreams
22 Feb 2024
R 200
Anonymous donated US $ 11 via Help Tshenolo achieve Ballet Dreams
07 Feb 2024
US $ 11
Anonymous donated R 300 via Help Tshenolo achieve Ballet Dreams
05 Feb 2024
R 300