Building a home for my children Campaign
Good day,
My name is Gareth Terblanche, a male, age 49 year old, father to my two minor children. I am a divorcee and have two minor children ages, 15 (son), 10 (girl) years of age. I got divorced in early 2022.
As part of the divorce agreement, I have a responsibility to provide for them a roof under their heads. During the national & international pandemic when Covid strike, in 2020, I had family and financial difficulties and challenges.
I was a permanent work with the same employer for more than 17 years.
In July 2022, due to Covid, I lost my work as a permanent worker and was retrenched. Currently, I'm working at the same workplace as a wage worker.
Later that month I lost my dear Mom to Covid.
Heart-breaking and life changing, I picked myself up and put the pieces of my life together. Though I felt that I had all these challenges to deal with, I made a choice to have a positive approach on my circumstances at the time.
I am a hardworking and trustworthy individual. I am a caring, supportive, protective Dad to my children and took it upon myself to provide a roof for them.
The minor children's mother and myself marriage had irretrievably broken down.
Journey my minor children to the loss of a loving family home, and with all our losses and heartbreak in July 2020, though through my own loss of my dear mother, I had to put my feelings aside, and work around the clock.
My children need to vacate the rental apartment that my children is residing with their mother, the only home they knew since birth.
Last year, 2023, I started to built a home for them out of my own pocket, with little to less manpower to assist me. I am working from 07:30 - 17:30 Mondays to Fridays.
Saturdays and public holidays are the only days that I can built.
Home material is very expensive and I don't have the finance to pay upfront.
Financial challenges and difficulties is making it hard for me to take out personal loans at any major banks.
The home is taking shape and I am setting it up in the backyard of my deceased's Mom. My sister and her husband is residing in our Mom's home and their is not enough space for my children and their Mom.
The Sheriff of the court came a few ago and started to write up assets as I am finding it difficult to pay for the rental apartment.
After the divorce I had to find alternative bachelor accommodation for myself.
My current residing place that I call home for myself is not sufficient or suitable to raise my children. As the set-up at home is small with just enough space for one adult.
This will help immensely and it will put me at rest knowing that I have provided a roof for my children.
The funds that will be raised will afford me the opportunity to provide and purchase the home material in completed the home.
I have very good skills craftmanship and by God's grace I am able to build this home from start to finish.
Please allow me to turn my vision of my small little home into a reality, not only to better myself for the future but also to help support my family.
The extra funds will enable me to finish off debt that is financially crippling me, and that is why with my unemployment work status, I am unable to apply for financing at the bank. The current vehicle, VW Polo Classic 1.4, I'm driving at the moment, I'm driving for the past 13 years, still in good condition, since July 2011.
The purchase of a new vehicle, a double cab 4x4 bakkie, is only a dream at this stage. Cost of living has increased and on my wages I can't provide medical cover for my children.
My humble plea is that I will find a donator who can assist in buying the material to finish off the home that I started to build for my children.
Gareth Craig Terblanche