Help fund an engineering student Campaign
Hi guys, I am a 3rd-year engineering student currently in search of funding. Please take a minute to read the below, thank you.My story
My mom moved to South Africa in 2015 alongside the influx of immigrants in search of greener pastures. She was a tailor and sent money back home, because of the currency value, her few Rands gave us plenty Naira. One day, she told me about bursaries that ‘smart kids’ got here. Frankly, it was a foreign idea to me.
Soon, my parents relocated my brothers and I, to live with our mom here with study permits. I saw this as a golden opportunity to work hard for a bursary to study Aeronautical engineering at the University of the Witwatersrand, the only school that offered an accredited undergraduate degree in Aero in Africa. A degree I was very passionate about since childhood. It was a no brainer.
I joined Gr11 and started rocky as I had to adjust to a new system, but I persevered. Gr12 was when I decided to give my all. I matriculated with a distinction in all of my subjects and was accepted into Wits. But to my shock, I realized that there was a certain requirement for every bursary that I didn’t meet. I wasn’t a South African citizen. Furthermore, I also found that international students were charged double tuition and had to pay 75% of their fees upfront. All of these were a massive blow that demotivated me, but through help from family, friends, and a Wits scholarship of R30 000, I registered.
In my 2nd year, I faced a similar predicament, but made it through the SRC hardship fund and help from my family and an amazing friend. I am facing the same issue again, except this time it seems like there is no way out. People have said maybe I’m not looking well enough for bursaries, but I feel like I’ve searched the ends of the earth. I found only one bursary that I was able to apply for as an international (The Moshal program) but I was rejected.
My financial struggles included rent and even meals sometimes, but I never let them put me down academically. I got a tutoring job in order to survive. It was demanding, but I enjoyed helping students.
In my 2 years of study, I have achieved 17 distinctions out of 21 modules, became a member of the golden key society, and received an award for being the Top 1st year student in the faculty of engineering (2023). All of these were results of my hard work and sleepless nights because I genuinely love working towards being an engineer, but none of these have been enough for me to secure any funding opportunity.
Coming here may have not been a great financial decision, but I don’t regret it as I’ve met wonderful people, had amazing experiences, and learnt important lessons.
This is a cry for help. I am asking you who is reading this post to please help me however you can. I currently owe R228 376.15 but I need R183 999.15 in order to register for the year.
You can help me by sharing this post around, by donating to my cause, and by keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you so much for reading and I wish you a blessed day!
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Donor Messages
All the best Odedina!! Your commitment to your studies is so inspirational and I really admire that you're studying a program that you're passionate about!! Kudos to you and I hope you never give up. This too shall pass!!
Charles Osayameh
I love your spirit, please dont give up your dream, you shall sure fulfill your God chosen destiny.
Keep soaring higher, You are destined for greatness!!
God will continue to reward your faith and commitment. He is your source and strength 💪
I hope you achieve all your educational goals and aspirations. Keep it up!
Go for it son, I pray for God's guidance in all you do.
Praying it all works out for you🙏
Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 116 via Help fund an engineering student
01 Feb 2024
US $ 116
Ivy donated US $ 122 via Help fund an engineering student
31 Jan 2024
US $ 122
Charles Osayameh donated US $ 115 via Help fund an engineering student
31 Jan 2024
US $ 115
Anonymous donated US $ 22 via Help fund an engineering student
30 Jan 2024
US $ 22
Anonymous donated R 200 via Help fund an engineering student
29 Jan 2024
R 200