Van Zyl Family Support Campaign
Hi, my name is Estelle van Zyl and on 19/02/2024, my husband passed away. He was the sole provider and took care of everything for us. His employer was kind enough to pay us the salary for February and we are currently waiting for the UIF to pay out which takes about 6-8 weeks. I am also in the process of looking for a job to take care of my two sons, but due to unforseen expenses, we are unable to afford rent, fixed expenses and save enough funds to last us until the UIF pays out. I regrettably find myself in a position where I have to rely on the help of others to take care of my family until I can find a job. I am requesting that if you are able to, please assist us with a financial contribution. I would deeply appreciate it. If you are unable to donate, please share this link.Thank you.
Hi, my naam is Estelle van Zyl en op 19/02/2024 is my man oorlede. Hy was die broodwinner en het alles vir ons gedoen. Sy werkgewer was vriendelik genoeg om vir ons sy salaris van Februarie te betaal en wag ons vir die UIF om uit te betaal. Hierdie proses neem 6-8 weke. Ek is in die proses om werk te soek vir die versorging van my twee minderjarige seuns, maar as gevolg van onvoorsiene uitgawes kan ons nie huur en ander uitgawes bekostig en genoeg fondse spaar om ons te onderhou totdat die UIF uitbetaal nie. Ek vind myself ongelukkig in 'n posisie waar ek op die hulp van ander moet staatmaak om vir my gesin te sorg totdat ek werk kan kry. Ek versoek dat indien u daartoe in staat is, ons asseblief met 'n finansiële bydrae sal help. Ek sal dit opreg waardeer. As jy nie kan skenk nie, deel asseblief hierdie skakel.
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sending all my love and support right now to you and your family.
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Activity feed
renee donated US $ 22 via Van Zyl Family Support
04 Mar 2024
US $ 22
Anonymous donated R 500 via Van Zyl Family Support
01 Mar 2024
R 500
Marissa donated US $ 56 via Van Zyl Family Support
01 Mar 2024
US $ 56