A year not to remember Campaign
Good Day to everyone who has decided to read my post.I come here today with a very heavy heart I really do not know where to go or what there is left to do, my family has had most probably the worst year ever, work just simply never picked me truly for my husband and myself we have been living on the bare minimum this year, we had to sell our car which has made getting the kids to school and back a nightmare not to mention sports occasions, our house is being sold we have no where to go and whats worse is my daughter starts high school next year we cant even afford the new clothes,
I am pleading for help my husband has done every job he can get his hands on to so we can eat most nights, my kids have been absolute stars this year bringing home great marks and excelling in their sports,
I just want to give them the Christmas they deserve i cant afford to buy them anything or pay the school or buy the school clothes and stationary.
If anyone is out there who can please help us get through this tough time can find it in your hearts to help.
If you are wondering why i have set the target so high it is to try buy a car as well so i can do the school run and pay up the school fee's from this year that are still outstanding, I will be happy to answer any questions if you can ask
May God Bless You