Kasongas Daughters education Campaign
Hello Everyone <3,<div>Emma here on behalf of Kasongo and her daughter. For those that know her and worked with her we are trying to raise money for her daughters education
Unfortunately a year ago Kasongo was not able to continue working for us due to her home affairs paperwork which means she has had to return to Congo. Her husband unfortunately was also in a car accident which has affected him long term and is not able to work.
Her daughter is currently a software development student and will have to stop her education due to the high fees. She cannot start her second year as there is an outstanding amount on her first year studies and will have no option but to drop out.
They have applied for bursaries and internships but they have been rejected as she does not have a South African ID.
I wanted to create this backabuddy account to see how we can support, even the smallest amount will make the biggest difference in both hers and her daughter’s life!
Whatever money is raised over and above the target will be used to support her in her 3rd and 4th year of studies
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Donor Messages
Kasongs, I wish you and your family well! Lots of love
Nadia Mannell
The world makes way for the women who have the will to forge their own paths xxx
Milda Nair
Wishing you all the best and sending our love!
Philippa Dods
All the best to Kasonga, her daughter and their family <3
Thank you for driving this, Emma! Hope we can help contribute to her bright future.
Thank you for creating this Emma. Great that we can help Kasonga and her daughter.
Activity feed
Gio donated R 1 000 via Kasonga's Daughters (Julie's) education
25 Jan 2024
R 1 000
Nadia Mannell donated US $ 54 via Kasonga's Daughters (Julie's) education
24 Jan 2024
US $ 54
Milda Nair donated US $ 57 via Kasonga's Daughters (Julie's) education
24 Jan 2024
US $ 57
Philippa Dods donated US $ 65 via Kasonga's Daughters (Julie's) education
24 Jan 2024
US $ 65
Lays donated R 1 000 via Kasonga's Daughters (Julie's) education
23 Jan 2024
R 1 000