Ayden Mitzvah Project HB Basketball Campaign
Hello!I am Ayden Davey. I am 13 and a proud member of the Hout Bay Snipers Basketball Club in Hout Bay, South Africa.
As a 13-year-old, I get to have a Bar Mitzvah to become part of my Jewish Community.
My Mitzvah project is to give back to my community and I will be supporting my basketball team, the Hout Bay Snipers. I have been playing with Hout Bay Snipers for 2 years and we won the championship in 2022 for the under 12 team. I have learnt a lot about basketball from very talented players and my coaches, Bryn and Peter, including how to be part of my local community.
Hout Bay is a small town of about 30,000 people. Imizamo Yethu is an informal settlement in Hout Bay with over 17,000 people. Many kids there cannot afford basic necessities or sporting equipment. The Hout Bay Snipers gets kids off the streets and allows them to come play this amazing sport! The team doesn't only get kids off the streets and also gets them fit and healthy. The other problem is that most of the players can't afford proper basketball gear and sometimes we can't arrive to games because the team can't afford the transportation to games.
This is why we are asking YOU to help support my team and my Mitzvah Project to give R50,000 (USD $2600).
By donating to my team, you will help out with local transportation, gear, stipends for volunteer coaches, and improve the wellbeing of the kids on my team!
Thank you for your support!
Ayden Davey, Hout Bay Sniper
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Donor Messages
Paul K
Go from strength to strength
Privileged to help a wonderful cause
Rabbi Greg
shkoyach Ayden!
Bhatzlacha for this amazing project, your rabbis are very proud of you
Marvin, Susan and Sebastian
Dear Ayden - All the best with this fantastic initiative that will bring so much opportunity and joy to the players and their families!
What a great project and so like you to help your team and teammates!! I’m very very proud of you and love you so much. ❤️❤️❤️ grandma diana
Tom & Noodle
This is awesome! Mazel tov Ayden 😊
Pops and Dina
Congratulations on your project
Activity feed
Paul K donated R 1 000 via Ayden Mitzvah Project HB Basketball
05 Mar 2024
R 1 000
LenRen donated US $ 113 via Ayden Mitzvah Project HB Basketball
05 Mar 2024
US $ 113
Rabbi Greg donated R 360 via Ayden Mitzvah Project HB Basketball
05 Mar 2024
R 360
Eric donated US $ 15 via Ayden Mitzvah Project HB Basketball
05 Mar 2024
US $ 15
Anonymous donated US $ 20 via Ayden Mitzvah Project HB Basketball
05 Mar 2024
US $ 20