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University Fees 65518 Campaign Logo

University Fees 65518 Campaign

Ditiro Nonyane is my name and I am a 3rd-year Accounting student at the North West University. From the time that both my parents lost their jobs and agreed to a divorce, my life along with my siblings has been a treacherous downward spiral. We still made it a priority to complete our basic education then pursue a higher education in an attempt to change our family circumstances. Knowing my situation and where I'm from, I managed to obtain funding for university through the NSFAS scheme for which I've been very grateful. I have switched universities from 2020 to 2021 for a number of educational, psychological and family-related matters. Despite the ongoing conflict back "home", I remaines true to my studies for the first three years of my four-year course. Because I changed universities once, NSFAS would be reluctant to provide funding towards my tertiary education, although I NEVER failed a year.

I'd like to plead for your assistance as 2024 will be my final year of my education and the most difficult journey I've ever walked. To this point, I've been mentored, guided and led people who want to see me succeed. Lecturers going out of their way to ensure that I understand the content, Industry-leaders educating me about the Accounting field, etc. Despite increasing tentions at home,my parents have been very supportive and encouraging at every checkpoint of my education. 

Obtaining the necessary funding will allow me to walk in the footsteps of the greats before me I'm university and beyond. It will take a humble boy like me and give me the opportunity to turn my life into something out of the ordinary. When I look at myself in the mirror, I DON'T want to accept the reality of being an average Joe who struggles to make it through life. I love education because it is the cornerstone to betting on myself - I'm able to give myself an opportunity to make it. Furthermore, the opportunity to study this far has SAVED MY LIFE! I live in a crime-filled township. If I never joined university, I would have cried all my tears and I believe I would have taken it all the way because I believe that I'm an academic, a nerd and even a geek. I get a thrill from figuring out complex topics amd drool for more information. Not studying would semd me into depression, causing me to have resentment towards life and everybody at large. I love how education and academics has given me the will to live. 

My older brother is the first to graduate from University. He has paved the way and I desperately want to make it a pattern of success. I may have taken a bit longer but I WOULD DO ANYTHING to complete my Undergraduate Degree and forcefully reduce all distractions to zero! 

I created this campaign as a backup option to the possibility of not obtaining NSFAS funding for 2024. I ALWAYS plan ahead and wouldn't like to be stuck in a position where I have no plan B if NSFAS doesn't fund me. If it does fund me, I will be back to give an update and make arrangements to issue back your thoughtful donations. My heart will be full of gratitude for any donations to make my dream of obtaining my Undergraduate Degree in Accounting a reality. I daydream about the time where I will be standing on stage as my degree is handed over to me! That will be one of the FEW instances in my life where I'd most certainly experience fulfillment. Then I need to lower the ladder down and assist those who are on the same journey because it is a difficult one! I aspire to be a blessing and make things easier for others!

Thank you for reading my story! I hope it has given a feeling of hope and always looking towards the future. Never let the water around your ship enter and sink your vessel. 

Sincere Regards, 
Ditiro Nonyane 


Fundraising target

R 120 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

Donor Messages