fund my studies 64912 Campaign
Good day/eveningi have decided to make this page to raise fund for my partner, who is also the mother of my child. She wants to improve her future and the future of our child, and the only way to do so is through education. She genuinely wants to study further online so she can become an eglish teacher which she is so passionate about unfortunately we don't have the funds to do so, she has applied for bursaries and to UNISA but has not been accepted. She has finished matric and passed well. She feels unhappy because she wants to make a better life for her and her family. The funds i wish to raise will all be used on her studies, to ensure she can pay for her textbooks and laptop and also fees for the first and second year of her studies. This would change our lives tremendously, we would not only be able to provide for our child but also enlighten him.