School Fees 68411 Campaign
Dearest Donors
I hope this message finds you in the best of health and high spirits. I am writing to you today with a humble plea for your kind support towards an important cause. In our ever-changing world, education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future and opening doors of opportunities for children. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, monetary constraints have become a significant hurdle for a brother and sister striving to create a better future for themselves through education.
Allow me to introduce their inspiring story and your potential role in transforming their lives. Zoe, a determined 14-year-old girl waiting to attend her first day in Grade 8, and her younger brother Chad, who is only 12 waiting for his first day in Grade 6, lost their dad 5 years ago & his Momentum Policy did not pay out. In 2019 they completed the year at the private school they were attending but in 2020 due to insufficent payment towards the school fees the school requested they leave. We had requested a bursary option as Zoe had been chosen as first in grade for 2018 & 2019. In 2021 where unable to secure them a place at a government school back then and we are struggling again now. They live with me, mom, I do my best to make ends meet, education is become extremely expenses & I have not been able to keep up with the high costs of living expenses, espcially education.
Despite the hardships they have faced at such a tender age, Zoe and Chad remain fiercely motivated to continue their education and overcome adversity. They display immense potential and possess a burning desire to better their circumstances through the power of knowledge and education. They had been attending a cottage school environment & continuously requesting to be placed in a “normal” school with induvial classes per grade & a more social environment, which includes sports. Still not Enrolled in a school this year 2024.
The purpose of this humble plea is to request your support in providing the necessary means for Zoe and Chad to continue their education without interruption. The lack of funds for their school fees and educational resources pose a direct threat to their aspirations and dreams. Your generous donation can directly contribute to their educational expenses, including school fees, textbooks, uniforms, and stationery. I also want to use the funds to have the power of moneytary influence to secure them a space by being able to offer full year school fee payment per child.
I believe that education is a fundamental right that every child deserves regardless of their financial background or social circumstances. By supporting Zoe & Chads academic journey, you will not only empower them with the tools to shape their lives but also inspire hope and create a positive ripple effect to their mental wellbeing. Both Zoe & Chad have achieved 75% average pass rate, yet they where both highly dissapointed that their averages had dropped form previous years of 80-90%.
In recognition of your invaluable support, we pledge to provide regular updates & progress and share the impact of your contribution. Their success story will serve as a testament to your generosity and demonstrate the transformative power of education.
Every bit counts, and your contribution, no matter the amount, will make a significant difference.
Thank you in advance for considering our humble plea. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future. If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Once again, thank you for your kind consideration and generous support. May your compassion and benevolence bring about an enduring impact in the lives of these promising young individuals.
With heartfelt gratitude