TMT Funds Campaign
Dear ReaderMy name is Damon Pereira, I am 18 years old and come from Durbanville in the Western Cape. I have been accepted to be part of Timothy Ministry Training for 2024, doing an intensive discipleship program for a year. (www.timothytraining.co.za) The reason for writing this letter is because I will need financial aid in the form of sponsors/investors to help me raise enough finances to cover my year at TMT. I am unfortunately unable to cover the full fee myself. It is for this reason that I am contacting you.
The reason I am doing TMT next year is because I am not entirely sure where or what the Lords plan for my life are and I am not sure what the future holds. I decided to take a year and just join TMT to build those important foundations and to ensure I am secure in my identity in the Lord. I want to be an example by the way I live as it is something I strive for to live in a way that brings the Lord glory.
I have worked as a barista for the past 3 years for the church and I plan to get a barista job in Wellington to help with my personal expenses as well as help fund my attendance by TMT. Currently I am really trusting for provision for full tuition which includes the accommodation at Wellington as well as the teaching they provide on a daily basis. I still need approximately R90 000 in total in order to complete the year. A monthly payment of R7 540 or once off donation will help me immensely to reach this goal or smaller contributions would be amazing. Would you please consider contributing financially to that which I believe God wants to do in my life?
Thank you for your time.
Kind Regards
Damon Pereira
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Donor Messages
My hope is that this year will be a year where you truly cement your relationship with our Lord and that you will continue to grow closer to Him.
My hope is that this year will be a year where you truly cement your relationship with our Lord and that you will continue to grow closer to Him.
My hope is that this year will be a year where you truly cement your relationship with our Lord and that you will continue to grow closer to Him.
Young man, may God show you His kindness and goodness in measures beyond your wildest expectations, praying and rooting for you.
I am so excited for this journey you're embarking on! And very very proud of you! Keep shining brightly!
How wonderful it is to follow the Lord and His ways. May He guide you and use you to reach a world much in need of His governance and Love.
So proud of you❤️
Your meme sister ✊🏽
I pray that God excels you on this path my brother , it’s not much but I know the work that the lord will fulfill in your life will be great ❤️💋
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 1 000 via Damon's going to Bible School
18 Jan 2024
R 1 000
Anonymous donated R 250 via Damon's going to Bible School
06 Jan 2024
R 250
Anonymous donated R 200 via Damon's going to Bible School
02 Jan 2024
R 200
Anonymous donated R 500 via Damon's going to Bible School
28 Dec 2023
R 500
Anonymous donated R 5 000 via Damon's going to Bible School
27 Dec 2023
R 5 000