Family reunion 67963 Campaign
Many thanks Good morning to you all.
My name is Cyril Welch 47 years of age all the way from East London South Africa and I would like to share my story with you.
It has really been adventure over the past few years with finding my brother and then my sister and getting to know them personally. Which is very important as a family.
Last year I received my DNA test back from the lab and started my journey the beginning of February 2023. On the journey I found out some of dearest close friends are family as well and soon got connected. The one thing I have always been wondering and seeking my dad family because I was not brought up with him and wanted to know of where I came from.
Searching many months on facebook, My Heritage and sending out messages all over trying to search for him and the rest of the family. All of a sudden a kind lady saw my messages and started to place it all over on facebook and the next thing, the family were answering all over from my dad side of the family.
My heart has really been on an emotional ride and finding out, they have welcomed me into the family which I am so happy about.
This year December 2024 I would like to have a family reunion with my dad side of the family and really get to know them.
I am asking kindly from the bottom of my heart, my fellow friends and the rest of the community if you are willing to put a small donation towards my dream, so I can go and meet them.
This will be a true blessing.
Many thanks
We serve a Good GOD