Arthur and Gerda Campaign
Dear friends and family.
This is a humble plea to all for urgent assistance.
We all know Arthur Piercy, and for those of you who do not know, here is his story.
Arthur Piercy’s remarkable fiancé, life partner (wife), Gerda, was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour. She needs medical intervention to have the tumour removed.
Gerda has had numerous health problems over the past few years; and despite this, she has continued to be Arthur’s primary caregiver, home executive all while maintaining a full-time job over the past year.
Due to the surgery, she will not be able and available to fulfil all the support mentioned above and will need medical support and assistance herself. Arthur can and will assist where possible but understandably he will not be able to everything required. Assistance is desperately needed.
Arthur and Gerda desperately need financial support to employ someone who will be able to take over the duties of a caregiver, nurse, housekeeper, chef etc. They are also concerned that there will be unexpected future medical costs for the next 6 months whilst she recovers. None of it covered by their medical aid.
There have also been expenses that have accumulated over the past few months whilst he himself was in and out of hospital, which urgently needs to be covered and brought up to date.
This has put incredible stress on Arthur and Gerda, so any remaining funds will be allocated to these outstanding bills.
Friends, Arthur and Gerda are proud and independent people, so for them to reach out as ask for assistance, must have been extremely difficult and embarrassing.
If there is any way that you may be able to assist, no matter how small, please get in touch or use the donation link.
It will sincerely be appreciated!
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Donor Messages
The Lord Bless you!
Our love and prayers are with you both!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Dear Gerda!
Manie en Melanie
Thinking of you
Best wishes
God loves you
Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 367 via Fundraiser for Arthur and Gerda
05 Mar 2024
US $ 367
Anonymous donated R 200 via Fundraiser for Arthur and Gerda
26 Jan 2024
R 200
Anonymous donated R 500 via Fundraiser for Arthur and Gerda
25 Jan 2024
R 500
JackG donated R 1 000 via Fundraiser for Arthur and Gerda
25 Dec 2023
R 1 000
Manie en Melanie donated R 5 000 via Fundraiser for Arthur and Gerda
19 Dec 2023
R 5 000