Dancestar World Championships Campaign
From a young age, Nevada has excelled as a Dancer. Punching well above her weight, she is the only school going girl (Aged 17) in a Hip-Hop dance group called Audacious at the Erna Ackermann school of dance. After hard work and many hours of training, the group was one of the best A-league qualifiers in the local Dancestar qualifying competition, achieving a staggering 98% for their performance.
Having qualified for the Dancestar World Masters Championships in Croatia twice before, but not being able to go, due to finances, I am a MOM on a mission to make my daughter’s dreams come true.
Please help me make my daughters dreams come true, and get Nevada to the Dancestar World Masters Championships in Croatia to represent South Africa and earn her national colours.
We will appreciate every sent contributed. As a MOM on a mission we, we have various projects to try and raise the funds. I WILL make this happen, but I please need your help.
One such initiative is is our friend, the superhuman Cornelle Botes, who is going to turn herself inside out for Nevada. To assist with funds, she is running the 2 Oceans 1/2 marathon on the 14 April 2024 for Nevada. Those who want, can sponsor a per KM/fixed amount.
Thank you for reading and please consider helping.
PS: We prefer funds to be paid directly to the organisation (note attached PDF). Please just note the correct reference numbers when doing so. Those who prefer, please also feel free to transfer or myself.
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Donor Messages
Hesthea Britz
Ongelooflik wat jy forn Cornell!
Sjoe Nevada, wat n geleentheid! Trots op jou! Mag jou pad geseënd bly.
All the best with your new adventure, enjoy every moment. Go for it girl, you are a super hero 🩷
Tannie A
Go for it, Nella
So ongelooflik trots op jou! ♡
Goodluck with the competition
Nikita Smith
Well Done Nevada, Keep shining bright beautiful.
Proud of the women you have grown into ♡
Activity feed
Hesthea Britz donated US $ 17 via Dancestar World Championships
19 Feb 2024
US $ 17
Jorina donated R 230 via Dancestar World Championships
16 Feb 2024
R 230
Tannie A donated R 500 via Dancestar World Championships
06 Feb 2024
R 500
Liante donated US $ 86 via Dancestar World Championships
05 Feb 2024
US $ 86
Anonymous donated R 200 via Dancestar World Championships
30 Jan 2024
R 200