Silky in need Campaign
I have recently received very sad and devastating news about my horse called Silky who requires surgery in order for him to lead a normal pain free live. Heard about BackaBuddy and thought I would give it a try to raise funds towards his surgery on this platform.
Silky injured himself (tendon and ligament back leg) last year November while playing in the dam. It was one of those extremely hot days in Wellington WC and to cool down our horses were taken to the dam. As things happen, he injured himself. His injury has not improved over the last 3 months. It has become worse to the point that the vet made a call this week that Silky requires the surgery to fix the torn manica flexora and release the constriction in the annular ligament. Without this surgery his condition will deteriorate, and he will be living in pain and discomfort each day. Anyone who is an animal lover or who has had a similar experience will understand how devastated I am.
I have had Silky since he was 2 and half years old and we have grown together over the years. I was privileged to have an excellent teacher and friend who assisted me in backing him to the level that I can ride him on hacks and for fun. He is only 11 years old. He is not just any horse he is my best friend and I want to make sure he gets all the care he needs. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover this kind of surgery and financially I cannot afford to pay for this.
Any kind of donation towards this operation will be greatly appreciated to help my boy recover and lead a healthy normal life. THANK YOU !