Arabella recovery fund Campaign
Arabella Chillout lounge and bistro. The place where memories are made. Lee and Rene are the heart and soul of Arabella.They have brought life to the town of Graaff-Reinet, everybody was always welcome and everyone always has a good time. Arabella was known for the biggest bonfires in town. The best food in town came from Arabella too. Good vibes and good times, never disappointed!
Rene and Lee recently moved their lives into Arabella aswell, living in the same building, separated by a wall. Being so invested in their business paid off because business was booming every weekend.
On the morning of 13 Feb 2024, a fire started once loadshedding ended and it caused a power surge by a main power line outside the building. The fire started raging and luckily Lee woke up with barely enough time to wake up Rene and get themselves and the dogs out. They had no choice but to stand back and watch their precious business and beloved home burn down to the ground, everything they own, burnt to ashes. Thank goodness they were able to get out in time, with only the clothes on their backs.
We urge you to help Lee and Rene get back on their feet. Help them bring Arabella back. Show them as much love as they have shown through their business and who they are as people.
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Alf donated R 200 via Arabella recovery fund
13 Feb 2024
R 200