My Little Boy Campaign
My beautiful little boy Kellen was born at 35weeks via Emergency C Section and although he seemed to be doing fine with good apgars, my little hero was fighting a battle we only came to know of when he was diagnosed at 8 months with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy.
Since the age of of 14 months, Kellen has undergone botox injections every 6 months in his legs and right hand which has hemiplegia, to alleviate spasms and this has been very traumatic for him but he is so brave.
We were told that SDR procedure will give him a good chance of leading a near, normal life, by severing the nerves that cause the spasticity and thus hindering his ability, to walk, stand or do what little boys do.
Kellen us such a good, clever, happy little boy and each day, watching him very so restricted, breaks my heart, as any parent would be heartbroken. He can only crawl on his knees in a "bunny hop" fashion and is starting to cause him tremendous pain in his knees and wrusts. His little knees have formed callouses and bruises from him crawling around wanting to play.
The surgery will allow him a good chance for being able to move in a different way to what he has now and will alleviate all of the pains he endures daily.
Kellen would have an excellent future and would finally be able to attend a mainstream school after SDR surgery, as he is intellectually and cognitively above average.
He is such a lively boy, he has so much knowledge at such a young age and all he wants is to fit in with his older brother and have friends of his own, to be able to be apart of the fun around him, without being restricted.
Being a single parent to 2 boys, makes it extremely difficult to meet the necessary financial, medical needs of Kellen. A Professor in Cape Town would perform this procedure but the expense of the tests etc as well as the time needed to be in Cape Town once he has undergone the procedure as well as the extensive rehabilitation process afterwards.
Any funds raised, will go directly to assisting Kellen on this journey, therefore, any donation, no matter how small would be a blessing towards my little boy and his new opportunity at a normal life.
Thank you for your support