Help Uncle with colon cancer costs Campaign
What do you say about someone who is always ready to help, even if he can't help himself, who always has time for everyone, is always ready to sit with you, pray and spread the word of God everywhere he goes, you can see the love he has for people in everything he does.
Well that is my uncle... He is the most humble, pleasant, kind and gentle person I know, he is the perfect example of God's greatest commandments:
Matt 22: Verses 37 & 39
– “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.”
- “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
This describes him to a T.
He was recently diagnosed with Severe Colon Cancer that spread to the Liver.
He was operated on by Dr. Natasha Wheeler at Brits Mediclinic On the 1st of February 2024, after 5 hours they removed all the cancer but he currently has a colostomy pouch and he will need chemo therapy for the next 6 months.
He has a long recovery ahead of him and at the moment he is struggling.
My uncle is the main provider in his household with them relying on his overtime, he won't be able to work for at least 24 weeks and his future thereafter is still uncertain, in the meantime all the bills still needs to be paid.
By raising these funds, it will help tremendously to lighten the financial burden so that he can focus on his health and healing. The family has helped a great deal already but we can only do so much, that is why we decided to ask for help as they need much more help than what we are able to give him.
The medical aid covers some of the costs but not everything, he has already had excess payments for tests, this is not even considering the road ahead for chemotherapy and the costs that will involve.
These funds will help them with all these expenses and some breathing room so they can all focus on helping him heal.
He has a great impact on so many people's lives, he has changed so many lives, so we ask for help.
Please, help if you can, help give his young daughter her father back, help to give his wife a chance to breathe and him to spend his time and energy on getting better.
For those that donate | We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, you will never know how much this is appreciated.
For the others | We thank you for spending the time to read this and considering, we know that it is not always possible to help everyone and times are hard.
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Donor Messages
Mandi Swanepoel
Ons dink aan jou oom Hennie, sy gesin & ook julle as familie Chantellie!
FILIPPENSE 4:13 Ek kan alles doen deur Hom wat my krag gee.
Rachel Hendricks
You are in my prayers
Psalm 30:2
Oh Lord my God, I cried to you and You healed me. Amen 🙏
Alizia Duarte E Sousa
Activity feed
Mandi Swanepoel donated R 200 via Help Uncle With Colon Cancer Costs
09 Feb 2024
R 200
Rachel Hendricks donated US $ 28 via Help Uncle With Colon Cancer Costs
09 Feb 2024
US $ 28
Anonymous donated US $ 57 via Help Uncle With Colon Cancer Costs
09 Feb 2024
US $ 57
Anonymous donated R 2 000 via Help Uncle With Colon Cancer Costs
08 Feb 2024
R 2 000
Alizia Duarte E Sousa donated R 200 via Help Uncle With Colon Cancer Costs
08 Feb 2024
R 200