Chantel Glass Medical Cause
Hi, I am Chantel Glass and I am from Gauteng, Pretoria.
I have a few teeth that have been giving me trouble. The broken front tooth, my two wisdom teeth are rotten and have been crumbling away. I have a tooth on the bottom with holes and one on top with holes.
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God bless you and your family.
May you get that lekker smile back <3
Merry Christmas
Mag jou tande beautifull reg gemaak word en mag jy dan vir altyd glimlag
I hope you manage to meet your target. All the best for your teeth. I can imagine this must be so difficult.
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 2 000 via Give me back my smile
16 Dec 2023
R 2 000
Lala donated R 200 via Give me back my smile
16 Nov 2023
R 200
Anonymous donated US $ 60 via Give me back my smile
30 Mar 2023
US $ 60