Life 65707 Campaign
Good day I am a mom that requires help with my son's recovery. In July of 2023, he was shot at the taxi rank 3 times whilst waiting for a taxi to go to Gateway. Whilst we thought he was fully recovered in the middle of November of 2023, he got violently ill we took him to Addington hospital where it was discovered he had meningitis, they also performed a CT scan where it was found he had 6 tumors in the centre of his brain which was a result of the shooting. He has undergone 3 surgeries thus far and was also in an induced coma, which thank God he is out of. He is currently still in Albert Luthuli hospital and I appeal to one and all if you could assist as I am a single parent who does not receive any money besides my job which is commission based.W e are trusting God he makes a full recovery and will be out soon, so rehabilitation will be a long and slow process. Funds will be used to assist with a special needs bed, wheelchair hire and whatever else is required for his aftercare, to assist with transport to and from hospital. Thank you so much.
Pharrell is my 19 year old son
I need to raise funds as I do not receive any outside help financially.
It will be greatly be appreciated as he has to learn how to walk again as he also suffered a mild stroke.
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Samantha Adkins
Get well soon !
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Samantha Adkins donated R 150 via Life
30 Jan 2024
R 150