Carien cancer journey debt Campaign
My name is Carien Dippenaar, I am 33 years old and I was recently and very unexpectedly diagnosed with small cell lung cancer. I do not have a medical aid. In November I got very sick and was hospitalized. We didn't know why I was sick for months. I got worse and worse.In January I have been in hospital for 4 weeks at the time, on oxygen and getting weaker and weaker. Then I was diagnosed with cancer. I have gotten too weak to go back to work.
I had to take out loans from the bank to cover my income as most of it is commission based between 2 jobs I now can't do because the chemo is making me too sick. I also have a lot of medical debt to repay. It's just me and my husband, we don't have children.
I want to start a tshirt campaign to help with funds but also to tell my story of how God is helping me through this. A testimony. I'm going to call it By His Grace. I would appreciate any help to cover my bills and to start my tshirt campaign. We were barely making it before i got sick. We are now in deep distress.
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Donor Messages
, Annette
Wishing you all the best.
Activity feed
Anonymous donated US $ 54 via Carien cancer journey debt
22 Feb 2024
US $ 54
, Annette donated US $ 53 via Carien cancer journey debt
20 Feb 2024
US $ 53