By her bedside Campaign
It's late night, you've been asleep for a few hours and you hear a key in your door, there on your doorstep is a friend, he's been forcibly evicted and needs a place to stay.
He was forced to work while on sick leave more than half of last year. These are the opportunistic infections that were diagnosed during 2023:
● May - Jaundice
● August - Severe Lung Infection
● October - Shingles
● 24 November - Taken to District Dental Clinic for Emergency Extraction, was given prophylaxis for extraction to be done on 6 December as it couldn't be done immediately, he would left on annual leave with his spouse on the 27th of November so that he could have his extraction on the 6th but a hostile living and working environment was created by his employer and he only got 1 days leave and was forced to miss his extraction date. On the 13th of December, he went to collect his employer's chronic medication script and while there the doctor examined him and diagnosed a severe viral upper respiratory tract infection.
● On the 5th of January 2024 he was finally able to return to the District Dental Clinic for his extraction he was given his prophylaxis prior to the extraction but no post extraction antibiotics were given. He was then forced to work the the following 3 days while he was supposed to again be booked off. On the Tuesday he had to be rushed back to the District Clinic and it was discovered that he had developed an infection in the extraction site, they performed a basic cleaning and was booked off and given prophylaxis to come back the next day, but again issues at work made him miss his appointment.
His bosses reason for him having to work throughout his sick and annual leave was that it was a live in position for which he was the medical proxy and where he was the only licenced and insured driver.