Bachelorette weekend Campaign
Hello all,
Let me explain the situation on why im asking on a fundraising page.
As per tradition its normal for a bride to be and her girls to go around on public areas and ask for "drinking donations".
Unfortunately in today's time this is not possible as South Africa is not the safest place for females to walk around anymore, and this is the main reason why I have opened the page. Obviously this is for spoilers and not as important not more important than people who really needs this.
Also understand that this was mentioned on very short notice as the bride didn't know things will escalate so fast. We obviously get our best ideas during wine sessions, so we figured why not open this and ask.
The plans are the following we want to spoil the bride and her amazing girls " Us, her wing girls" pamper sessions, drinking and if the budget fits hopefully work in some male strippers... Okay, I'm joking. I am actually not.
Unfortunately I can't afford to do this on my own as I'm a single mother myself, but I'd appreciate if there is someone who would contribute towards our weekend.
As mentioned before, this is not more important that people who really needs this for actual import causes, but a girl has to try.
Your donations will definitely help and be appreciated.
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Donor Messages
Fabrizio Clarizio
Have fun from Mauritius 🇲🇺
Fabrizio Clarizio
From Mauritius enjoy have fun.
Lovely friend.
Activity feed
Fabrizio Clarizio donated R 400 via Bachelorette weekend
02 Mar 2024
R 400
Fabrizio Clarizio donated R 400 via Bachelorette weekend
02 Mar 2024
R 400
Anonymous donated US $ 17 via Bachelorette weekend
29 Feb 2024
US $ 17
Anonymous donated R 500 via Bachelorette weekend
26 Feb 2024
R 500
Anonymous donated US $ 29 via Bachelorette weekend
21 Feb 2024
US $ 29