Help a 2year old Hear Campaign
Llewellyn was born a healthy and fit baby boy.
It was picked up that he is delayed on speech during his monthly checkups, with couple of test we then realized he has a hearing problem, after many test done.
Doctors recommended that he be put on the trial hearing aid (as the Doctor can’t operate his ear with him being under the age 6), now the trial is almost up he requires his own specialized hearing aid for until he reaches the recommended age for ear operation, with having bills pilling up I’m living paycheck to paycheck to survive and now struggling to fund the aids.
He is a happy 2 year old and it breaks my heart seeing him delayed, I humbly plead and ask for your to assistant with paying for the specialized hearing aids.
He is very delayed compared to his peers these hearing aid will help him catch up to them . your assistance with this will mean the world to us