A friends funeral Campaign
Good dayLast year was a tough year for all of us,but in God's names we are now in the new year.some of us made it and some just made it through the thrash hold but could not make it through the rest of the month.
My closest cousin lost a bread winner at home but unfortunately he had also lost his call centre job in the previous year. He has been assisting in putting together the funeral and everyone is looking to him to make decisions and assist with funeral arrangements he is doing everything he can but no one is thing of him.
He does not even have anything to wear at the funeral and that is why.IAm asking for someone who is willing and able to help him to do so. Even if it is not money even if it's a suit or decent clothes would help because I don't want him to have pressure to buy clothes on credit and not be able to pay for it.
I will also let you know about the person that passed away,he was kind,smart and a responsible man. He was taken away two soon living a wife and two kids. He was also very well respected in the community as a humble man and a great educator by profession. May he so rest in peace. The funeral will be next weekend at Thusong hall in Umgababa Durban.
Thank you for your assistance.