Educational Pursuit Campaign
I was born and raised in the rugged but beautiful landscapes of Namaqualand, nurtured by my adoptive parents. They grew up in an era with limited opportunities, yet they made sacrifices to ensure I could complete my schooling and later pursue an undergraduate degree at Stellenbosch University. As they now live their golden years as pensioners, I reflect on the resilience they instilled in me.
Growing up in a community that was often overlooked, I lacked access to elite schooling and resources. Despite these challenges, I persevered, securing my degree against all odds. However, post-graduation, I've faced barriers in the job market. As a graduate of colour in South Africa, I've encountered the prevalent issue of needing experience to get a job but not getting a job to gain experience. This catch-22 situation has left me unemployed and financially unable to further my education. Yet, I am determined to continue my learning journey and have chosen to pursue postgraduate studies in Management in Digital Business at the University of the Witwatersrand.
The Northern Cape, my home province, is plagued with one of the highest youth unemployment rates and suffers from significant underdevelopment. The lack of advanced technological resources in our provincial government severely limits our potential for impactful service delivery – a fact that became glaringly evident in the struggles with COVID-19 vaccine distribution. I aim to arm myself with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance the efficiency of our governmental systems and, in turn, uplift my community by mentoring the youth and contributing positively wherever I can.
This educational pursuit is more than just a personal goal; it's a commitment to fighting against the systemic issues that plague our society – poverty, discrimination, inequality, and corruption. The latter, especially rampant in our public sector, has far-reaching consequences, from crippling service delivery in municipalities to the deterioration of essential entities like Eskom. This corruption not only affects our daily lives but also stunts the economic growth of small and medium businesses. I do believe that our government can harness the power of Big Data to combat wasteful expenditure, corruption and a much better and more efficient management.
Moreover, the urgency to combat global warming resonates deeply with me. Our current trajectory threatens the well-being of future generations. It is incumbent upon all of us to foster an eco-friendly lifestyle. This responsibility extends across various sectors, including construction, mining, property development, education, and transportation. We must pivot from the unsustainable practices of the past two decades and acknowledge the harsh reality of climate change.
Your support in my educational journey is not just an investment in one individual; it's a stride towards empowering a voice dedicated to making a tangible difference in our society. Together, we can contribute to a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for South Africa.
Thank you for your consideration and for standing with me in this fight for a better tomorrow.