Study fees 66474 Campaign
Hi I am Anja OosthuizenI am currently enrolled at Unisa as a LLB law student. I want to continue my studies and I am looking for the community to help me achieve my dream and goal to become a lawyer. I am a hardworking student that works full time. I received the opportunity to start working at a law firm to help me learn. I am already in my second year of studies but unfortunately cannot continue due to not having funds to continue. Please help me achieve my dream in becoming a lawyer by helping me pay for my study fees.
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Hou aan hoop, hou aan glo.
Partykeer moet ons wag terwyl God die beste vir ons voorberei🥰
Activity feed
Anonymous donated R 1 000 via Study fees
15 Feb 2024
R 1 000
Anonymous donated US $ 57 via Study fees
17 Jan 2024
US $ 57