Mothers Divorce Campaign
My mother along with her four children has been a victim of domestic violence in her marriage for over 14 years. Ever since she married him his family has been harrassing and backstabbing her all because she lives in their family house which her husband inherited from his father. He has been over indulging in alcohol and create chaos at home and threatening to kill her. My mother spent all her life savings trying to maintain the house and pay for all the debt the house incured. He does not work or provide for his family. My mother is the current breadwinner with a domestic job that does not provide well. She has several court cases against him, but the law or some employees within that area is helping him get away from it. She is unable to divorce because he stole their marriage certificate and other documents needed. She needs a good lawyer to help her in this regard. If enough money is raised she would be able to divorce him and settle for atleast half of the house that would need to be sold.