AZANDE Campaign
On Sunday 25th March 2024, little Azande's life changed forever.Spencer, her father and our beloved employee of 8 years was caught in the middle of a gang shoot out in one of South Africa's dangerous townships, an innocent man in the prime of his life working hard to provide for his only child, shot down dead in the street just a few hundred meters away form his home.
Spencer was only bread winner supporting Azande, help me help Azande and her mother secure funds that will be invested to give her the best start in life- a good quality pre -school education which is an expensive commodity in SA.
Thanking you all in advance.
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Donor Messages
Sivan Fairman
Sending strength and love to his family xxx
Carol Stevens
Too heartbreaking for words 💔
Alice S
Beverley Houston
To Azande and your mom, you are in my thoughts
Too heartbreaking for words x
Nickie W