HAVE A HEART 69524 Campaign
This poor baby was found being dumped on the side of the road. She's such a sweet soul all things considered , she has clearly been abused as she has the scars to show for their actions ! Covered in ticks and hungry. Although I can't even begin to imagine what she's been through , I know that her future will be a better one , one where she doesn't have to lick every crumb of food out a bowl because she doesn't know when or if she'll be getting her next meal. 😔Any donations will be greatly appreciated! She needs desperate medical care as she has a "cherry eye " and she needs to get an operation to remove this . She'll also need to be sterilized for her new home to prevent any more babies ending up on the street ! She'll need a lot of food to pick her weight up so really anything will help to give her the life she so very well deserves ! 🥺🐾🤍 Please find it in your heart to help her .
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Pieter Senekal
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Pieter Senekal donated R 150 via HAVE A HEART
28 Feb 2024
R 150