Assist Malakai with Education and F Campaign
I am writing to you as a proud mother, seeking support for my incredibly talented child. Despite facing numerous obstacles and challenges, my child has always emerged victorious, shining brightly through it all. He is a well-managed, well-behaved young boy who works tirelessly to excel in both his academics and extracurricular pursuits, particularly in cricket.
As a single mother, I work tirelessly, often sacrificing weekends and running a company on my own, solely relying on a commission-based income to cover expenses like rent and the cost of living. While I strive to provide the best for my son, the financial strain has become overwhelming, especially with the added expenses of his school fees.
My son's education is paramount, and the school he attends has already made a significant positive impact on his life. However, the burden of tuition fees, which amounts to R6200.09 per month, along with additional costs, for Tours, travel to matches and practices, kits etc is becoming increasingly challenging to manage.
I am reaching out to you, humbly asking for any assistance you can provide towards my son's education fund. Your contribution, no matter how small, will make a world of difference in ensuring that my son continues to thrive academically and pursue his passion for cricket.
Thank you for considering my request. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated.