Active Ants Nursery School
A preschool is your child's home-away-from-home and the "look" is just as important than the service they offer regarding the care of your child. Our school was lucky to not have had extensive damage as a result of the devastating storm which passed through our town on 18 December 2023. We do however have what some might refer to as "cosmetical damages". We worked hard over the last year to turn our little school into a beautiful place which all our children are excited to come to every day. Sadly the damage caused by the storm set us back. Our roof leaks like a sift and we are left with very large holes in the ceilings - this we well be submitting to our insurance and holding thumbs they will assist. The paint on our walls were chipped off by the hail, some windows cracked.
The jungle gyms were battered and will need some repair to look new again. Our décor for example the flags along our corridors and our gardens with it's décor were destroyed - our little piece of heaven needs a few plasters!! Despite there being many small projects (all can't be listed) in order to get us back up and going again, all these projects adds up financially and unfortunately we are not able to tend to all these expenses once off.
We are aiming to raise funds in order to give our hail-damaged property a new fresh coat of paint. We would absolutely love and appreciate any donations which will assist us in getting our school back to the best place for all our learners - they deserve to have their beautiful home-away-from-away as it was before. And the world deserves to be blessed with their little faces lighting up when they see their school all pretty again.