www.justdoingmybit.com (PARIS MARATHON)
- By: David Mieny
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/wwwjustdoingmybitcom-paris-marathon
- Date Created: 9 April 2020
Personal message
This is what you are supporting: www.justdoingmybit.com
Welcome to “Just doing my bit . . .”
Thank you for taking the time to visit the site. I am David Mieny: the purpose of this website is to try and raise money for those less fortunate than me/us through raising awareness of an organisation called Ma Afrika Tikkun and by encouraging people to donate money towards it. I plan to run the Paris Marathon in April this year (2011) and i am looking for people to support me and my cause by donating money towards Ma Afrika Tikkun (http://www.maafrikatikkun.org.uk/).
Awareness will be raised through my run (the easy part really) and social media: with me testing the social good will of people around the world online (ie via the digital medium). So through blogging, tweeting, digging and facebook status updates, among other things (From a personal point of view, this is also somewhat of a social experiment. I am curious to see whether we can harness the internet for more than just selling and advertising, and to see whether the social conscience of the internet and the globe can have a silent positive impact).
So, what is the end goal? I (we) plan to raise a minimum of R50000, or more of course, and donate it to MaAfrika Tikkun -- which is a non-governmental organisation, that is genuinely doing excellent development work in South Africa (and other parts of Africa too). Interestingly, Nelson Mandela -- ex president of South Africa and king of democracy -- is one of the chief supporters of this organisation...and it's the only one he donates money towards outside of his own personal charity. So it must be honourable and special if he endorses it!
How on earth is this going to succeed? This is where I need your help (please)! I plan to ask people to donate no more than £2 (or the equivalent of the relevant local currency, depending on where this site makes it globally), and then to ask people to let their friends and family members know about the site and Ma Afrika Tikkun by forwarding emails on, tweeting and re-tweeting about it, or by putting status updates on their Facebook pages, and so on (To get an idea of how else you can help promote this, check out the how i can spread the word section).
My last final word on this for now is: it's only R20!!!! A pint of beer costs more...or arguably it's around 1-3 Cokes (?)....depending where you are in the world! So please help.
Cheers and good luck! : )
- Apr 13, 2011 - R 100.00
- "Hi David, good luck for the race and hope you don't have too many sore muscles afterwards! Love M & R" - Megan & Roger B
- Apr 13, 2011 - R 200.00
- "Hope the bucks start rolling in! Congrats Dave!" - Jane & Sergio Garcia
- Apr 13, 2011 - R 200.00
- Apr 11, 2011 - R 100.00
- "Good Luck, Dave ;0)" - Carol Smit
- Apr 11, 2011 - R 300.00
- "Go Dave, go! Best wishes from Canada..." - heather
- Apr 09, 2011 - R 200.00
- "Best of luck - buena suerta!!" - Your Ecuadorian Supporters
- Apr 09, 2011 - R 200.00
- "Good Luck, love you" - Grandma
- Apr 08, 2011 - R 1 000.00
- "Good luck David" - Serena Nicolaides
- Apr 08, 2011 - R 100.00
- "Good luck!" - Gia Nicolaides
- Apr 08, 2011 - R 0.05
- "love you always" - Daves Lover/Life Partner, Jean Pierre
- Apr 08, 2011 - R 199.95
- "Cant wait till we spend time together in Paris. Love you my partner MENOIUS" - Dark Davids Lover MENOIUS Crouton
- Apr 08, 2011 - R 200.00
- "break a leg :-)" - Nicci
- Apr 03, 2011 - R 360.00
- "Good luck!" - arthurg
- Apr 02, 2011 - R 200.00
- "Have good run, good luck" - mom n dad
Afrika Tikkun

Afrika Tikkun (AT) was founded in 1994 with the goal of developing and uplifting young people in disadvantaged communities resident in the Republic of South Africa. With like-minded partners, Afrika Tikkun aims to end child poverty and youth unemployment through a holistic approach that begins in early childhood and ends with productive adults accessing the economy. Our approach provides all-inclusive care (nutrition, health and social) services and helps SA’s youth achieve success with a model called Cradle-to-Career 360°, which has earned Afrika Tikkun recognition for being one of the most impactful organisations in South Africa. We operate from four centres in Gauteng and one in Cape Town.
To set up your own fundraising page for Afrika Tikkun click here