Help Tracy Pay for Med School
- By: Tracy Ndinguri
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/tracy-ndinguri-5807112345414923947
- Date Created: 10 January 2024
Personal message
I am Tracy - a final-year medical student. My journey to reaching my dream of studying medicine has been a very long one. When I ultimately had my chance, receiving my letter of acceptance into the MBBCh GEMP programme at Wits to commence studying in 2021, I was ecstatic. Despite the numerous hurdles along the way, still, I remained (and continue to remain) steadfast and determined to see this journey to completion and achieve my goal of becoming a medical doctor, and helping my community. There have been many challenges along the road, including and especially, funding my studies - only the remainder of 2024 and the fees for final year stand in the way. God has been good and faithful thus far, however, being able to acquire funding to register for and complete my final year of studies has proven quite the challenge already, and I would greatly appreciate any help that could so kindly be extended my way. I am truly humbled by your assistance and blessed by your contribution, and am eager to pay it forward one day when I have the opportunity as well. To stand tall, having persevered through the many years of ups and downs, and walk across the graduation stage would be the greatest gift! And I would be eternally grateful for every single bit of financial assistance that would see me getting there. Thank you so, so much!
- Jan 11, 2024 - R 500.00 Fees covered
- "I hope this helps you achieve your goal. All the best!" - Anonymous
- Jan 10, 2024 - USD $ 108.05 Fees covered
- "Good luck, Tracy!" - Anonymous
- Jan 10, 2024 - R 200.00 Fees covered
- "Good luck Tracy. I hope my donation can make a positive difference in helping you achieve your goal." - Gareth Rogers