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Clean Brakpan

Clean Brakpan

Funds Raised:
R 2 096
Fundraising Target:
R 100 000

Personal message

I am Tinus Jordaan, the Co-Founder of CLEAN BRAKPAN & also the Chairman of Brakpan CPF.

At CLEAN BRAKPAN, we seek to help make Brakpan CLEAN & SAFE again by having a number of teams working at clean-up projects all over Brakpan.
Our strong belief is that we cannot allow the slow decay of our town to continue as this seriously affects our children, families, properties, businesses etc.
The work we do in the CPF allows us to see the link between urban decay and increase in crime, drug abuse, GBV and other serious social ills.
Those areas that are clean & maintained have drastically less negative societal issues.
We started this community cause with just a few caring CPF Patrollers and PR Councillor, Riaan Van Zyl at the start of December 2023.
As the small team that started this all live in Brenthurst, we began this dream cleaning the various parks around our suburb.
And then the magic began to happen as we started to clean-up, the children and families started to come out and enjoy the parks again.
This was a beautiful sight to see and gave us all confirmation we were on the right road to making the very needed change in our beloved town.
We have MANY projects planned for the restoration of Brakpan, wherever it is needed.
This however is a challenging road as it costs large amounts of monies for equipment hire, petrol, labour etc.
So we are humbly asking businesses around Brakpan to help us make CLEAN BRAKPAN a huge success.
Our vision is for Businesses, Companies or Community Angel Sponsors to ADOPT a project ongoing where possible.
As these clean-ups will have to be ongoing for as long as it takes until the council starts doing their job again.
So we are humbly asking all those that Live / Work in Brakpan to help us make CLEAN BRAKPAN a massive movement of positive change for the rest of SA.
• Adopt a Park or Road or Area etc around Brakpan permanently – and we will put a sign up with your name / logo stating that this area has been adopted by ……………..
• Donate monies at a fixed amount each month or lumpsum amounts when you prefer
• Donate tools or equipment needed for our cause (ask for our Wishlist flyer)
• Donate volunteer time by your employees as a team building at one of our community day clean-ups we will be having regularly.
Any donation you can commit to will help us so much and benefit BRAKPAN tremendously.
We believe that everyone deserves to live in a clean and healthy environment, and your donation will help us make that a reality.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We appreciate your support and look forward to hearing from you soon.


  • Feb 27, 2024 - USD $ 56.08 Fees covered
  • "" - Kienan

  • Jan 17, 2024 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
  • "If I see positive results in Brakpan North I will contribute regularly." - Anonymous

  • Jan 12, 2024 - R 150.00 Fees covered
  • "" - Anonymous


Fundraising target

R 100 000.00

Donations to date

R 2 095.98

Clean Brakpan Campaign