Father with a haert of gold
- By: Theo Boshoff
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/theo-boshoff-5791727627914433042
- Date Created: 23 December 2023
Personal message
Hi to all the wonderful Donors,Firtsly i want to thank all of you for everything that you've done for all the others.
I am Belinda and im here to ask financial help for my boyfriend, he is also the father of our two beautiful daughters. Our oldest daugther is not his own, but he adobted her as his own. He is the best father ever, and i never ever seen a man fighting for his family like he does. But now he needs my help,and i can't support him financially like i wish i could.
He moved to Thabazimbi in 2021 for work, and he drove every 2nd weekend to Pretoria to come and visit us. And the end of 2023 we desided to move to him in Thabazimbi, so i closed my homeschooling centre and moved to him, less we know we would have trouble to find a home that is affordable. So we stayd on a farm in a tent wich they normally rent out to for the business, the ungle said we don't have to pay enything because there is no electricity or warm water. So we stayd there till February when his daughter decided we can't stay there anymore, and his company also dicide in february that they take the vehicle back to give it to a family memeber, so we had no place to stay (property to expensive for one persons salary)and no transport. So the onlything that we could do is to go to the homeless shelter. We stayed there till 13 September. In the meanwhile i also found a job, and im very happy were i am. as we moved in his leg started with the trubbles again, and the doctor said he can not go back to work, the dockter said there is 3x blood clots, and he could get infection in his leg if he goes back to work. He went to the doctor every 2nd day for 3 weeks and then he has to go everty 3rd day for 2x weeks and then once a week till end of November. Still his wound is not closed but the one blood clot is gone, there is still 2 bt they are smaller. The work did let him know that with all the sickleave his used up and that he is going on unpaid leave since middle November. So we couldn't pay our rent, because my salary doesn't allow me to pay the kids school and the rent and food. It is just to little to cover evertything. So he decided to to start his own business from home, because the docter said he can't tell how long this leg is going to take this time. So he did tell his boss that he is not coming back, he would rather work from home and still bring money in rather that stay with the company on unpaid leave. And i support him 200% with his decision. He went and do an online survey for his leg for medical treatment at vains specialist dr Johan Blignaut. This was the roport from the survey:"From the answers and photos you have given it is have given it is likely you have medically significant varicose veins with venous reflux" So he has to see dr.Blignaut in January or in Feb. One consultation is R1900. We don't have medical aid so we have to pay everything in cash. This is one of the the most imortant things he need the money for. thesecond one is he want to register as an PPI the cost for that is R20000, it is one thing he loves to do. I would be so happy if his dreams can come true. Would you please consider it to help him to make his dreams comes true.
I needed to come and ask for help as i can't help him financialy but only support him in everything he does. I know we need a vehicle as well but i believe as he started we would get one.
Ibelieve every cent makes a different.
Thank you in advance