A Family in desperate need of help
- By: Steven Bruce Coleman
- Short URL: https://archive.backabuddy.co.za/steven-bruce-coleman-5779217736311240263
- Date Created: 9 December 2023
Personal message
A family has been unlawfully an wrongfully thrown out of dey home wit all dey belongings in the rain.I sadly Lost everything Because the Landlord a Dr by Profession decided 2 take the law in his own hands!With absolutely no humanity an remorse decided 2use his wealth 2 buy his way through wen he hired 4 foriegn men 2 take all my belongings an have dem thrown out in2 the rain.Even after clearly notifying dem dat I have not found a place yet an I have not packed.Wer do I take my parents an kids bt dey didn't care.We r a Fam of 5 adults 2 of which r elderly an sick.My sister whom is ill an 3 small kids under the age of 10 Me an my partner have been the sole providers an care givers 2 all for the last 5yrs. Sadly 3 months ago I lost my job.I wasnt able 2 pay the rental.My partner is a driver and helped wit all the needs until I get a job.An i told my Landlord dat I lost my job and I will start soon an ensure dat the 2 months rental owed is paid.An it was never an issue.After dat these guys came an made arrangement 2 collect the money an speak 2 the landlord which I agreed will b helpful.But on the 1st dey got 2 the house an stated dat dey don't want any money I should just take my things an leave.I told dem I didn't find a place an dat I don't have a truck bt dey said dey r here 2 do a job dey don't want things 2 get ugly so i must allow dem 2 do so.So I said 2 dem dat I have not packed.I was not aware I'm moving based on the agreement we made.So if dey want dey can do dey job.So dey took everything out of the 4 bedroom house an dumped it outside.So I got back an the house was locked.All my things left in the rain. The entrance of the home welded an the water meter removed.We had absolutely nothing an no1.We stayed In the van which my partner drives for 7days.We battled on a daily basis 4 clothes water food.Because everything has been destroyed an water damaged.We ran up an down 2 the housing tribunal,Legal aid an court 2 prove our innocence as justice must b served.We have won our case an legal aid has stipulated dat the landlord illegally threw us out an needs 2 allow us back.However we now face challenges because we have absolutely nothing everything right down 2 our clothes kids clothes Furniture bedding an Whole freezer of frozen food an meat has gotten rotten. Beds are all destroyed due 2 water damage.I have created dis account in hope dat we will get some help 2 get by while we now wait for the claims process to begin. Life is extremely hard an painful but no1 should be robbed of everything dey have ever worked 2 buy because dey have stumbled down an has no job.Financial problems or facing abit of poverty should never give any1 the right 2 take advantage of ur situation.it can happen 2 any1 at some point in life but Humanity should always Win.Sadly dey saw no pain 2 throw out kids and elderly parents. So I urge dat whoever sees dis 2 please help with watever u r able 2 as every cent matters in dis painful an difficult situation.I ask kindly for u 2 please share dis 2 ur friends an Fam because every1 who can help us by donating gets us by.We r grateful 2 all those whom have stood by us an supported us during dis dark ordeal.Please help us 2 get as many 2 donate as possible because we desperately need the funds.Please open ur hearts out 2 us an bless us wit any amount of donations.I pray dat the Lord will touch every person who comes across dis page an finds Love an humanity 2 bless us.Thank u so much in advance for any form of kindness u share. Lots of Love Light and Blessings.