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Whispers from the universe

Whispers from the universe

Funds Raised:
R 345
Fundraising Target:
R 5 000 000 000

Personal message

To the people of earth...

I have the pleasure of writing this to reach all 8 billion of you..
the reason this was created is because I want to help the human Shireen on her journey as a light worker as she is living out her purpose now and for all eternity.
This is one of the most  beautiful gentle souls that I have ever come across or had the privilege to come to know … Now what is a light worker some of you may ask? here are some definitions to help enlighten you .
A lightworker is any person who helps people and the planet .
Many spiritual communities believe that light consists of  high vibrations like love , gratitude and joy.
the term lightworker, could be defined as someone who feels drawn to be in service to others, one who feels that they have a mission to bring light (which is translated/felt as love) to the world, one who feels things very deeply and desires to help; often times more than their desire for self-care.
Technically, the term lightworker was first coined by author and teacher Michael Mir dad relatively recently, in the early 80s. Later, in 1997, Doreen Virtue released the book The Lightworkers Way.
The simplest way to describe lightworkers would be as beings who feel an enormous pull towards helping others. Also referred to as crystal babies, indigos, Earth angels and star seeds, these spiritual beings volunteer to act as a beacon for the Earth, and commit to serving humanity.
They often feel greater kindness and compassion towards others right from their childhood – chances are that they’ve rescued several animals and other living beings in distress from a young age. 
Thank you for reading this far...
why does she refer to herself as a light worker ?
below are some of the acts of service that she provides :
 Gain clarity, guidance, and insight by asking questions.
Find out more about love, life, work, family, children, and more.
Methods or ways to Develop your intuition and Psychic abilities
spiritual cleansing of the human body ,
office space or home space .
 Learn how to manifest and create positive protective energy around yourself
 Couples relationship guidance (Each person has their own private session, then a joint session when they’re ready.
chord cutting (cut the chords to any or all negative energies that you feel may be attached to you or your family )
helping humans find their purpose in life 
and figuring out why they came to earth what lessons did they need to learn  based on experiences from birth until now.
Provide humans with the tools to rejects any Disease or illnesses they may have.
Life coaching 
Teaching humanity what money really is and how to have a better relationship with money
Help humans to let go of limiting beliefs and uncondition themselves .
(as kids we were taught things by our parents that really are not true but its not their fault they did the best that they could with the best that they had at the time)
Learn more about who and what you really are 
and the list goes on.
Shireen needs our support as while she is living out the purpose a lot of the time there are people that cannot afford the rates that it costs to have a session to help them in their lives and sometimes they cannot afford a donation either..
Shireen would like to help humans despite them not being able to pay for the service she provides  at the time of needing the help as she has a family and children and would like to be able to help humanity while still being able to put food on the table for herself and her family.
if you copy and paste the above link into your browser you will find the Facebook page ..


  • Dec 22, 2023 - USD $ 21.61 Fees covered
  • "Rock and Roll!" - Peter D.


Fundraising target

R 5 000 000 000.00

Donations to date

R 345.48

Whispers from the universe Campaign