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Help give them hope again

Help give them hope again

Funds Raised:
R 0
Fundraising Target:
R 20 000

Personal message

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to pop onto my campaign and hearing my heart with regards to my parents.  If I say my parents have had the hardest 6-8 years its an understatement. I understand my parents are among so many that are struggling. Its hard for everyone, that I completely understand. As a family we have tried to help as much as we can but its led us to make debt as well to the point where we just arent able to assist as much anymore. Our funds are tapped out and now we seek some outside help for them. My mom is one of the biggest givers, even in the situation she is in she will give to anyone who needs.

Over the last 6-8 years they have moved more times than i can count, 3 times in the last 12 months due to everyone selling a few months after they move in. Paying a deposit and moving fees and getting set up 3 times a year has just been too much. They just cant anymore.

A year ago my dad had a stroke and now my mom at the age of 68 has become my dads full time carer.  Its been hard for her. I dont know anyone who has the strength that she has to deal with all thats been thrown at her and still care for my dad and smile. My parents are on a government pension so with all the moving and my dads stroke they just arent coping financially. Unfortunately with having to move now they just couldnt find a place and ended up at the salvation army property in what is actually a large wendy house.  

My parents need a break like so many others do. They just need stability again. A roof over their head close to doctors and stores and to me and their fellowship they joined.

I would use the R20000 to pay a deposit for the place, paying the moving company to move them (we have a wonderful local guy who always helps them at a good rate), to pay first months rent and groceries and nappies for my dad for the month so that they can just get a little headstart again and be able to build up money to live fine, having money to pay rent, food and necessaties for my dad.

As a family we try to help as much as we can but my heart aches for my mom who is carrying this burden of taking care of my dad and having to move 3 times in one year and dealing with the conditions of where they live now. Its not adaquate housing at all. Never have I known a stronger woman to bare all this upon herself and not give up and I just want to give her a little boost. 

Like I said in the beginning, I realise my family is one of many many struggling families. 

I thank you so much for reading, and even if you cannot sow something into them I appreciate your time. 


Fundraising target

R 20 000.00

Donations to date

R 0.00

Help give them hope again Campaign