Breast Cancer
- By: Sandy Topley Clarke
- Short URL:
- Date Created: 5 December 2023
Personal message
In December 2021, I received a tough diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma, prompting both my husband and me to leave our jobs and return to South Africa. It's been a challenging journey, and even though I hoped it would be over by now, I'm still battling, seeing my oncologist monthly. Cancer changes everything; one day, I'm coping, the next, I struggle to get out of bed.
After multiple surgeries, including a full hysterectomy and double mastectomy with failed implants, I'm gearing up for my tenth surgery, a diepflap procedure in January. Each step has been a tough road, and this upcoming surgery feels like a pivotal moment in my fight against cancer. I'm hopeful that this time will bring the luck I've been needing.
Any donation or support means the world to us during this difficult time. We're deeply grateful to all our friends and family for your unwavering love and support.
Your messages, calls, and encouragement have been a source of immense strength for us throughout this challenging journey. Thank you for being a part of this fight alongside us.
- Dec 31, 2023 - USD $ 32.42 Fees covered
- "All the best wishes my friend, hopefully will see each other one day. Sending you prayers and a lots of love🥰" - Flav
- Dec 19, 2023 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "Hi Sandy, ek en my vrou Elmarie bid vir jou om die aaklige siekte te oorwin, baie sterkte met die volgende operasie. Liefde Leon en Elmarie🙏❤️" - Leon Swanepoel
- Dec 06, 2023 - R 1 000.00 Fees covered
- "I love you very much. Hoping that 2024 brings joy,happiness and for us and for you better brighter outcomes. Fingers crossed for Surgery#10." - Your loving husband
- Dec 05, 2023 - USD $ 108.05 Fees covered
- "Sending you love and strength. May your fight be victorious!" - Angie
Breast Cancer 64702 Campaign

In December 2021, I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, leading to multiple surgeries and ongoing treatments. Facing my tenth surgery in January—a crucial procedure—I deeply appreciate any support or donation. Your love and encouragement mean the world to us as we navigate this challenging fight against cancer. Thank you for standing by our side.